
Thursday 30 May 2024

What did I knit this week?

 Good morning

A rainbow cardigan for me It has taken me a week to knit. I had nothing to do Bank Holidays are a lonely time when you live alone. But I enjoyed myself knitting this.

 The colour did not come out very well in the photo so this is the yarn that came out better.


tilly said...

That's a lovely and warm looking cardigan Ginny, it would take me six months haha xx

Janette said...

Oh wow Ginny, a week!!!!!! really, my goodness me it would take me forever honestly, your needles must be clacking like crazy, hahaha. xx

Chris said...

I can't believe you managed to knit this in just one week, dread to think how long it would take me...a cardigan for little Charlotte takes about 6 weeks (if I'm lucky!!!) The colours are gorgeous- xx

StephW said...

How lovely is this! Beautiful Ginny you have such patience x