
Thursday 1 August 2024


Good morning

It was Berry’s 10th Birthday on Tuesday She loved the knitted cardigan scarf hat and mittens I had given to her on the hottest day. of the year 😎

The photo is of the bunny I gave her to match the knitting. But like all children I think the money in her card was the most liked.

Friday last week Berry was one of the flower girls for her uncle she looked wonderful and it was a fabulous wedding. The sun was in her eyes and she was so good on a very long day at hundreds of photo!


Janette said...

Happy birthday Berry, growing so fast and such a sweet girl.
Glad she liked her gifts Ginny but your so right, they all love the cash, haha.
She looked gorgeous at the wedding and what a lovely day for it. xx

Elaine Stark said...

Happy Birthday. Beautiful photos. Elaine

Wendy L said...

So sweet. Doesn't time fly, Hollie was 12 yesterday!!

Chris said...

Lovely photos of Berry, growing up too fast as they do! I'm sure she had a wonderful day, birthdays are such special occasions when you've had so few of them! She looks gorgeous in her flower girl finery, it's lovely to see them all dressed up sometimes.

EmmaT said...

Lovely photos of Berry - the years fly by x